DEI Online Training | Vernā Myers

Vernā Myers

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The Verna Myers Company
Platform for Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion
Online Training Courses

The Vernā Myers Company DEI Online Training Courses

Vernā Myers and The Vernā Myers Company (TVMC) proudly offer a unique set of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion online training courses to help learners develop skills and strategies for creating more inclusive and culturally competent work environments. Available on, these dynamic online courses are taught by DEI pioneer and Inclusion specialist Vernā Myers. Her DEI online courses have been taken by nearly a million learners and utilized by countless organizations. Her TED Talk has been viewed globally by over 6 million people and counting and translated into 27 languages. When it comes to your diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging practice, having actionable tips and best practices is vital to implementing strategies as a well-informed ally, sponsor, and leader.

When it comes to leadership, the practice of inclusion through actions, behavior, and language is and important skill. Having a personal stake in making diversity, equity, and inclusion a reality in our organizations is an important responsibility. Our work as leaders is to create environments where diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging can thrive. Inclusive leaders create environments where people of all backgrounds feel respected, can contribute their talent and perspectives, and are given fair access to meaningful opportunity.

Most of us think of ourselves as kind, fair, and well meaning, and we are, but being well meaning is not enough when it comes to being an inclusive leader. Our TVMC online courses have been viewed by thousands of people across various industries and organizations worldwide. Our courses are designed to provide leaders (or aspiring leaders) with the important and necessary tools required to support and cultivate a thriving team and inclusive organization.

Online Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training Courses to aid leaders and employees develop skills and strategies for building more inclusive and culturally competent work environments.

Exploring Unconscious Bias with Vernā Myers

Exploring Unconscious Bias

Training Course

Addresses the impact unconscious bias has on building and retaining a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Inclusive Leadership with Vernā Myers

Inclusive Leadership

Training Course

Learn practical and valuable tips on how to begin leading in a more inclusive environment within your organization.

Fair and Effective Interviewing

Fair and Effective Interviewing

Training Course

This course highlights skills for interviewing with an inclusive mindset and understanding the stereotypes and biases.

Fair and Effective Interviewing

Exploring Unconscious Bias For Law Organizations

Training Course

Approved for 1.0 Hours of Elimination of Bias CLE Credits California

Talking Boldly: When Inclusion Meets Politics at the Office

Talking Boldly™

Training Course

We know that many people shy away from talking with others about difficult and sometimes controversial social.

Talking Boldly: The Evolving Role of White Men in the Workplace

Talking Boldly: The Evolving Role of White Men in the Workplace

Training Course

Workplace becomes more diverse and inclusive, some white men experience discomfort and worry about where they fit in.

Confronting Imposter Syndrome

Confronting Imposter Syndrome

Training Course

In this dynamic course you will learn skills to recognize, understand, and break through Imposter Syndrome.

Effective Sponsorship Across Difference for Sponsors

Effective Sponsorship Across Difference for Sponsors

Training Course

This course covers the role of Sponsors and describes the unique challenge of sponsoring across differences.

Effective Sponsorship Across Difference for Protégés

Effective Sponsorship Across Difference for Protégés

Training Course

Role of Protégés and describes their importance to the success of the sponsor-protégé relationship.

Exploring Unconscious Bias Spanish Version

El curso Explorando el Prejuicio Inconsciente con Vernā Myers

El curso Explorando el Prejuicio Inconsciente con Vernā Myers presenta el concepto de prejuicio inconsciente y el impacto que tiene en el desarrollo y retención de un lugar de trabajo diverso e inclusivo, donde las personas de todos los orígenes pueden prosperar. A lo largo de la sesión de aprendizaje, se les pedirá a los participantes que vean dentro de sí mismos para comprender mejor algunos de sus propios prejuicios inconscientes y aprender a reconocer e interrumpir los prejuicios. Este curso también está disponible para capacitación en grupo e incluye un manual de capacitación para facilitadores.

Vernā’s LinkedIn Learning Courses

In a partnership with LinkedIn Learning, Vernā developed these micro-courses focused on topics such as confronting bias, allyship, and having politically charged conversations. Vernā’s courses have been viewed by over a million people across the globe.

Confronting Bias: Thriving Across Our Differences With an introduction by Arianna Huffington
Confronting Bias: Thriving Across Our Differences With an introduction by Arianna Huffington

Find greater meaning, well-being, and productivity by learning how to interact with others across differences. Continue your journey and discover how to create inclusive environments where everyone can thrive.

Leading Your Org on a Journey of Allyship
Leading Your Org on a Journey of Allyship

Join inclusion strategist, author and instructor, Vernā Myers, to learn how to grow a more inclusive workplace and become an ally in and out of the office.

Talking Boldly: When Inclusion Meets Politics at the Office
Talking Boldly: When Inclusion Meets Politics at the Office

This course introduces useful strategies and approaches to holding conversations about politics while keeping the peace in the workplace. Vernā covers how to have genuine conversations about politics, inclusion, mutual respect, rules of engagement to help navigate heated eruptions.



Bulk rates and SCORM options available for organizations.

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