Books & Podcast | Vernā Myers

Vernā Myers


Vernā Myers

Moving Diversity Forward:
How to Go From Well-Meaning to Well-Doing

In her first book, Vernā introduces the world to her trademarked quote: “Diversity Is Being Invited to the Party; Inclusion Is Being Asked to Dance.” and builds correlations between learning to dance and owning a more inclusive, well-meaning mindset. Moving Diversity Forward addresses the issues surrounding race, the role of diversity and inclusion in our society and the premise of white privilege and its role in interrupting bias. Are you ready to dance?

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What if I Say the Wrong Thing?
25 Habits for Culturally Effective People

A must-read for anyone committed to their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training.

From “But I’m Not a Racist!” to “Love is Having to Say You’re Sorry,” Vernā’s What if I Say the Wrong Thing? helps us get familiar with our own biases by asking questions such as, “What do I need to know about myself and others so I speak out inclusively?” Vernā provides the tools needed to successfully navigate through everyday situations that demand more culturally effective habits. The book is a perfect handbook for anyone who is looking to develop the habits of culturally effective people. In this handy reference, you'll find answers to questions about all types of diversity issues and tips about how to practice culturally effective habits.

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