A Tribute to the Charleston 9 | Vernā Myers

Vernā Myers

A Tribute to the Charleston 9
23 Jul 2015

A Tribute to the Charleston 9

The Confederate flag has come down from the state capitol building in South Carolina and many people have applauded the raised consciousness, conviction and the action of South Carolinians that made it possible to topple the divisive symbol.

I am concerned however about how quickly our nation will forget the innocent lives that were sacrificed for this revelation and change. The Klu Klux Klan continues to march, the on-line sale of confederate flags peaked right in the midst of the controversy, some quietly praising the actions of Dylann Roof, and several black churches have been burned in the last few months. So the fight continues and it is important that we fight to remember.  I want to encourage us to hold in our hearts and minds each precious life that was taken by the ignorance and hatred that Dylann Roof and so many people still maintain.

So with the help of a talented artist, Mensen http://msmensen.com/  we created these small tributes to the 9 people who were killed with the hope that their memories will be kept alive. Maybe you will see something in their bios that resonates or connects and encourages you to remain  committed to the struggle to end racial bigotry.  Please feel free to copy, share, post, spread one or each or all of the mini-tributes.

By doing so you are sharing the love,  the learning and the hope for something much more uplifting than the coming down of a flag.

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