"Bias is not about being good or bad; it's about being human."

We're on a mission to humanize equity. Spotlighting the stories, insights and tools you need to build a society that is rooted in the belief that we are all equal and alike despite our inherent differences. Until we see ourselves as equals we can not successfully co-exist as humans.

Take The Next Step

Register today for our Understanding Biases and Inclusivity Masterclass Bundle. From teaching you how to unpack your unique cultural lens to helping you lead in a more inclusive environment, this Masterclass gives you the skills you need to thrive in today's world.


for our Masterclass: Understanding Biases and InclusivityWhen you register for our Masterclass you'll receive 2 courses, the entire Sundays with Vernā video collection, a signed copy of Vernā's book "What If I Say the Wrong Thing?" and a branded tote bag.

Thanks for joining us on our mission to humanize equity.